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PK-3rd Early Childhood Education Instruction Specialist Teaching Credential (Pending CTC Approval)
- Program Coordinator: Pia Wong
- Chair: Jenna Porter
- For Advising,
The PK-3rd Early Childhood Education Instruction Specialist Teaching Credential (PK3) program is hybrid and focuses on preparing effective teachers for an urban setting, including a foundation in social justice and equity. It authorizes the holder to teach all subjects in Pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade classrooms. Coursework specifically builds on child development expertise, an understanding of developmentally appropriate practices, skills related to creating culturally sustaining, linguistically affirming and student-centered curriculum, and strategies for building strong learning communities for young children. This credential embeds the English Learner Authorization (ELA), which prepares candidates to work with second language learners.
The program is 3 semesters (Summer, Fall, Spring) and requires full-time student status, with field experience and student teaching requirements in Sacramento area public schools. The program is also designed to provide full access to working Early Childhood Education professionals, with equivalencies granted for qualifying professional experience.
Admission Requirements
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Subject Matter Competency (i.e. CSET or subject matter program)
- Writing Proficiency
- Overall GPA of 2.5 (or 2.75 in last 60 semester / 90 quarter units)
- Minimum of 45 hours experience working with diverse learners within the age group/population you want to teach – strongly recommended but not required
- 2 references (on required forms)
- Academic reference
- Reference who can attest to your experience with children
- Essay (graduate writing sample with prompt provided)
- Certificate of clearance (background check)
- Group Interview
- Mandated Reporter training